Thursday, May 6, 2010

How did Hurricane Katrina hurt familys??

Hurricane Katrina hurt families because it took ther homes.Some family members died because they got sucked away by the vicious storm or they ether got cut by every thing that was destroyed, like glass and mettle. Cattle,cars and evan animals were swept away by the gigantic hurricane!!!This horse got hurt in Hurricane Katrina!!! The hurricane took manny, manny things that was vary valuable to people. Like things that you could never replace!

How did Hurrican Katrina hert our envierment?

Hurricane Katrina flooded 80% of New Orleans! Roads were extremely flooded! The electricity was messed up. They could not use the electricity because the strong water nocked some of the power lines down!!The water suplice was messed up.People could not get food,drinks, or do any thing but hang on for there lifes!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where did Hurricane Katrina start an end??

Hurricane Katrina started in Bahamas and crossed southern F lorida stengthened in the Gulf of Mexico. It weakened in Southeast Went in ot New Orleans and Mississippi.It travled a long way befor stopping!!